Historical Agreement: Mexico and US Public Defenders

In a historical event between Baja California and County of San Diego authorities, a cooperation agreement was signed by representatives of both public defender offices which will allow professional development for the benefit of the border communities.

The formal event took place on Wednesday February 17, 2015 at the Baja California State Government Office presided by the General Secretary for the State Government of Baja California FRANCISCO RUEDA GOMEZ accompanied by the head of the Department of the Public Defender for the County of San Diego HENRY C. COKER, the Liaison Sub-Secretary for Justice Matters Lizbeth Mata Lozano, the presiding assemblyman of the Justice Commission for the Baja California State Assembly Juan Manuel Molina Garcia and the Assistant Attorney General for the State of Baja California Justice Department Gilberto Cota Alanis.

Also present during the official act: the State Director of the Public Defender Jesus Alejandro Santos Diaz, the Trial Coordinator for the Baja California Public Defender Fernando Acevedo, the Chief Deputy for the County of San Diego Primary Public Defender Randy Mize, and the Supervising Attorney for the Primary Public Defender Investigations Unit Jesus Romero.

La firma oficial